
You Deserve Assured Talent Success.

The Impactive Advocate Program is a distinctive coaching system that helps senior leaders retain and develop their Critically Important Talent (C.I.T.’s).

Why C.I.T.’s? Because they generate 80% of your team’s results and losing them would represent a clear (and avoidable) risk to your business.

Trusted By

Why is it that some senior leaders are known as sure-fire talent builders while others struggle with their people & teams?

Put simply, they have a system for retaining and developing their C.I.T.’s. A system deals with some version of these three questions:

(To make this real for you, imagine one of your staff who you consider to be “critically important talent.”)

  • Are you confident that they will stay with you or your company?
  • Are you certain that they are truly ready for a bigger role?
  • Are both of you truly excited about the future at your company?

Sure-fire talent builders answer each of those questions with a resounding “yes!” If you aren’t quite there, here are some resources that might help you right now.

Development Pyramid

Assess Your Development Efforts

Choose The Most Effective Coach

Hands Clasped

Critical Leadership Behaviours

Conscientious People Leaders deserve assured talent success.

You are a senior leader (VP and above) who achieves results with the right balance of vision, alignment and execution.

You are committed to using top-notch development and engagement practices.

You challenge your people with stretch assignments and work with HR to employ development and engagement practices.

You pay your best people well and promote them when you can.

But, you’ve lost some of your best people despite all of that.

The struggle is real and that is exactly why the Impactive Advocate Program exists.

Question: What would it be like to be confident that your best people would stay AND know they’re ready for a bigger role AND be genuinely excited about the road ahead?

Let me show you what I mean by getting at the foundation of the solution.


Most business never get to the real problem let alone long-term solutions. We need to move below the surface of typical training and development offerings (even coaching!). This is where lasting change waits for you and your critical talent.

We can help you reach assured talent success and your critical talent reach assured career success.
Leader’s Confidence

What would it be like to be confident that your Critically Important Talent was committed to staying at your company?

Senior leaders are losing sleep (and money) over top-talent losses and to many, it feels completely out of control. But, there is a path forward. The Impactive Advocates Program leverages deep personal insights and thoughtful action on the part of your C.I.T.’s. Our process builds both their commitment and capabilities reliably.

Trusted Potential

What would it be like if you truly trusted the potential of your Critically Important Talent to take on their next role?

There is no perfect employee. There are always gaps and you need to be think carefully when considering people for bigger roles. The implications are real for the organization, the candidate and the sponsor.

For sophisticated leadership positions, traditional learning and development practices are just not good enough to bridge the leadership gaps your C.I.T.’s may have. Traditional approaches are certainly not compelling enough to engage your C.I.T.’s. Traditional approaches are for your competition .

We guide C.I.T.’s through a defined process that has them owning their learning decisions and developing in ways that you, their leader can trust.

Systemic Engagement

What would it be like if the enormous pressure for development and retention of your C.I.T.’s was lifted from your shoulders alone?

Traditional coaching, training and mentoring programs rely on one-to-one relationships and puts the onus of learning on just two people. Boss and employee, coach and coachee, mentor and mentee or teacher and student. That’s just not good enough for your best people.  The Impactive Advocate Program leverages a measurable, systems based approach to improve learning outcomes and produce results that are exciting for both the Senior Leader and  C.I.T.

What Our Clients Are Saying About Us


Richard Windross

“Steve is the kind of coach that will always be there, tell you the truth, challenge your thinking and overall, care about you and who you are.  Throw in a few “kick-in-the-pants” for good measure! Getting me, my mind and relationships going in the same directions was imperative to moving my career forward.”

Richard Windross

Senior Director, Corporate Affairs and Communication | Loblaw Companies Limited

Gerry De Lauro

“Steve has made a tremendous difference to me, as a leader, in the 15 months that I have been working with him. I feel extremely fortunate to have access to his guidance.”

Gerry De Lauro

SVP Group & Affinity | HUB International

Steve Dennis

“Steve facilitates a great and constructive conversation. Each meeting has an objective and time limit. He is engaged, I am engaged and by the end of the hour, I have had a concentrated espresso of quality review, re-focus and goal setting. As for impact, my direction, focus and performance have climbed considerably. Also, I have expanded the number of tools I now use in my profession and life. I recommend Steve’s coaching to anyone who is looking for an engaged, committed, insightful coach to support them in a constructive way towards the goals they set for themselves.”

Steve Dennis

Program Manager (former) | Norwegian Refugee Council

Josee Dubuc

“Steve facilitated our Leadership Program. He`s worked with different levels of leaders and they all agree that he has great talent. He has remarkable listening skills, makes complex theory simple and he is really people oriented. Thank you Steve. I hope we will do business for the next 20 years!”

Josee Dubuc

Senior Advisor, Organizational Development | Akzo Nobel

Christina Carter

“First, Impactive designed and delivered our leadership programs. With group coaching (Coaching Pods) they took our leadership programs from the classroom into everyday business. It was real-time, measureable development.”

Christina Carter

Manager, Human Resources | Piramal Healthcare (Canada) Limited

Markku Kauppinen

“If you are serious about improving your company, team(s) and/or yourself, you need to contact Steve. He is a true professional. He is keenly focused and very passionate about the success of his clients. Simply put, Steve will not allow you not to succeed. He will make the challenging journey of getting to a “higher level” fun and exciting. His dedication to excellence is contagious.”

Markku Kauppinen

President & CEO | Extended DISC North America, Inc.

Steve Morrow

“Steve has done a fantastic job facilitating our leadership program. I especially appreciated the way he coached us, challenged us, and kept us on track. He is an expert listener and coach, and I was continually impressed by the level of care and passion he brought to each meeting.”

Steve Morrow

IT Manager, Enterprise Architecture | Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines